Exhibition illustration - Artibus
Window illustration for the ceramic studio Artibus exhibition "KÄRL", during Southern Sweden design days in Malmö, 2021.
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Artibus - Poster
Advertising illustration to ceramic market poster. Commissioned by Artibus ceramic shop, 2021. Risoprinted by Beast Studio, Malmö.
Språktidningen - Pronunciations
Editorial illustration for an article in the magazine Språktidningen, 2020. The article was about pronunciations of the written language.
Personal projects
Form Magazine - Plagiarism
Editorial illustrations to an article about design copies and plagiarism in Form Magazine, 2022.
Form Magazine - Bad taste
Illustrations for the first issue of Form Magazine in 2023. The illustrations are for an article which dives in to the subject of taste, written by Bo Madestrand.
Djurens Rätt - Bookmarks
Illustrations for bookmarks, for one of Sweden's largest animal rights organisations; Djurens rätt, 2022.
Artibus - Poster
Poster for the ceramic studio Artibus and their onlinemarket, 2020.
Artibus keramikverkstad
Beast Studio collab - Matchbook notepads
Illustration commission for Beast Studio, 2022. I made the cover illustration for the studios new matchbook notepads, which they risoprinted and put nicely together. Photos by Beast Studio.
Natur & Kultur - Öva & Pröva, digital
Illustrations for online reading comprehension, 2023. Publisher: Natur & Kultur.
Natur & Kultur - Editorial folders
Editorial cover- and spot illustrations for two folders, commissioned by the publisher Natur & Kultur, 2021. The folders contains teaching material and tips for teachers.