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Slanted Magazine - Eclipse
Editorial illustration for the german magazine Slanted, 2022. I was assigned to interpret the word "Eklips", that is also the name of a font created by the designstudio Letters from Sweden. Photos: Slanted Magazine.
Form Magazine - Bad taste
Illustrations for the first issue of Form Magazine in 2023. The illustrations are for an article which dives in to the subject of taste, written by Bo Madestrand.
Artibus+Florera - Poster
Poster illustration for the flower boutique Florera´s pop-up at the ceramic studio Artibus, 2022.
Mana - About the violence
Editorial illustration for an article in the magazine Mana, 2019. The article was about islamophobia and racism among politicians and other persons in high authority positions.
Artibus - Poster
Advertising illustration to ceramic market poster. Commissioned by Artibus ceramic shop, 2022. Graphic design by Fanny Roos Waldemarsson.
Djurens rätt - Friend to all, big & small
Illustration and graphic design for a textile bag for Djurens rätt´s children's organisation, Rädda Djuren-klubben, 2020.
Djurens rätt
Natur & Kultur - Öva & Pröva, digital
Illustrations for online reading comprehension, 2023. Publisher: Natur & Kultur.
Djurens rätt - Animal masks
Illustration and graphic design of face masks, for Djurens Rätt´s children's organisation; Rädda Djuren-klubben, 2020.
Djurens Rätt
Artibus ceramic market
Visual design for Artibus ceramic market, 2024.
Artibus - Poster
Advertising illustration to ceramic market poster. Commissioned by Artibus ceramic shop, 2021. Risoprinted by Beast Studio, Malmö.
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