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Beast Studio collab - Matchbook notepads
Illustration commission for Beast Studio, 2022. I made the cover illustration for the studios new matchbook notepads, which they risoprinted and put nicely together. Photos by Beast Studio.
Personal projects
BA project - Få mig inte att tro att allt är bra
My graduation project from BFA in Design at HDK, Gothenburg University 2019. An exploratory project with the question; In what way can anxiety be visualized? Risoprinted by BEAST Studio, Malmö.
Examensarbete HDK
Djurens rätt - Animal masks
Illustration and graphic design of face masks, for Djurens Rätt´s children's organisation; Rädda Djuren-klubben, 2020.
Djurens Rätt
Artibus+Florera - Poster
Poster illustration for the flower boutique Florera´s pop-up at the ceramic studio Artibus, 2022.
Natur & Kultur - Öva & Pröva, digital
Illustrations for online reading comprehension, 2023. Publisher: Natur & Kultur.
Artibus ceramic market
Visual design for Artibus ceramic market, 2024.
Natur & Kultur - Editorial folders
Editorial cover- and spot illustrations for two folders, commissioned by the publisher Natur & Kultur, 2021. The folders contains teaching material and tips for teachers.
Artibus - Poster
Advertising illustration to ceramic market poster. Commissioned by Artibus ceramic shop, 2021. Risoprinted by Beast Studio, Malmö.
Authorships for sale - Författaren
Editorial illustrations for an article in the magazine Författaren, 2019. The article was about different hybrid-publishers that are "selling" authorships. Art direction: Pasadena Studio
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