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Författaren - Authorships for sale
Editorial illustrations for an article in the magazine Författaren, 2019. The article was about different hybrid-publishers that are "selling" authorships. Art direction: Pasadena Studio
Form Magazine - Bad taste
Illustrations for the first issue of Form Magazine in 2023. The illustrations are for an article which dives in to the subject of taste, written by Bo Madestrand.
Greeting cards
Vibery Audiobooks - Janos Tagg
Cover illustration for the audiobook ”Janos Tagg: Djurdetektiv - Om en hamster”, written by Anders Börjesson, published by Vibery Audiobooks, 2021.
Artibus - Poster
Advertising illustration to ceramic market poster. Commissioned by Artibus ceramic shop, 2022. Graphic design by Fanny Roos Waldemarsson.
BA project - Få mig inte att tro att allt är bra
My graduation project from BFA in Design at HDK, Gothenburg University 2019. An exploratory project with the question; In what way can anxiety be visualized? Risoprinted by BEAST Studio, Malmö.
Examensarbete HDK
Mana - About the violence
Editorial illustration for an article in the magazine Mana, 2019. The article was about islamophobia and racism among politicians and other persons in high authority positions.
Nu ska vi kissa! - En bok för alla (Upcoming)
Nu ska vi kissa! (It´s time to pee!) is an upcoming picture book that will be published in August 2024. Publisher: En bok för alla
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Print design, 2024.
Form Magazine - Ai and design
Illustrations for an article about Ai and design, written by Carolina Söderholm, in Form Magazine 2023.
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